Publication: Rather sick and unemployed than “just” unemployed?

The first project publication is online!

  • What role does stigmatization, triggered by a status of unemployment, play in the lives of affected persons?
  • How widespread and stressful is such a stigmatization?
  • And does the perceived stigmatisation change as a result of medicalisation, e.g. when those affected are exempted from the compulsory job search/recording due to health restrictions?

Answers from a study with quantitative data are now available under:

Linden P., Reibling, N., Krayter, S. (2018): „Lieber krank und arbeitslos als nur arbeitslos?“ Die Auswirkungen der Medikalisierung von arbeitslosen Personen auf Stigmatisierungsprozesse

Announcement: MEPYSO Meeting with the Interdisciplinary Advisory Group at January 18th in Bonn

For the second time the MEPYSO-Team will meet at the 18thof January 2019 with the members of the interdisciplinary Advisory Group. The internal meeting will be held at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Bonn.

MEPYSO at the IAB workshop: “Unemployment and welfare dynamics”

Nadine Reibling and Philipp Linden participated in the workshop “Unemployment and welfare dynamics” in November 2018. The international conference dealt mainly with the following questions:

  • How long do individuals remain unemployed and which paths through welfare can be identified?
  • Which institutional, economic or individual factors influence the length and duration of unemployed episodes?
  • Under what circumstances do the long-term unemployed eave welfare state dependencies and what is the role of atypical or low-paid employment?
  • How does welfare state dependence change over time and under different economic conditions?

The two researchers presented results from a quantitative longitudinal analysis on the topic “Medicalization as alternative path through welfare? Determinants of the transition from unemployment to a medical leave status in the German social policy system” and received positive and constructive feedback.

In a next step, the theoretical foundations and results of the empirical analyses shall lead to a publication in 2019.

Announcement: MEPYSO at the FIS-Forum at October 9th in Berlin

All members of the MEPYSO-Team will participate in the FIS-Forum. At this year’s forum of the Fördernetzwerks Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung all funded projects and endowed professorships are invited by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to present their ongoing research. The MEYPSO-Team will give an update on the project in a poster presentation. Furthermore, Nadine Reibling is going to present new results in her talk entitled “Unemployed and sick?! Perspectives on the medicalization of unemployment in Germany and other advanced, industrialized countries”.

MEPYSO at the ISA World Congress „ Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities” from July 15th to 21st in Toronto

At the ISA World Congress, held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Mareike Ariaans presented first results on the medicalisation and psychologization of unemployment in German parliamentary debates in the Session „The Medicalisation of Social Problems: The Role of States and Markets“.

The ISA World Congress takes place every four years and connects sociologists of different disciplines and from all over the world, in order to talk about their recent work and exchange views on current sociological developments and topics.


MEPYSO at the annual meeting of the social policy section of the German sociological association (DGS) „Firm but fair? Inequality and the welfare state“ at April 26-27 in Cologne

At the annual meeting of the social policy section, which took place at the Thyssen Foundation in Cologne, Philipp Linden and Nadine Reibling presented first results on the question how the medicalization of unemployed persons affects stigma using data from the IAB Panel Study Labour Market (PASS).

Furthermore, Stephan Krayter presented a poster on the increasing scientific discourse on the issue of poverty since 1990. A psychologization of poverty is indicated by the increasing share of publications from psychology and psychiatry.

At the two-day conference topical questions of the welfare state and social inequalities were discussed among social policy researchers, politicians, and practitioners.